Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ways in which different epistemological frameworks within the field of media studies have influenced methodological approaches (Grace Githaiga)

The common frameworks used in the field of communication are quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches.
In a quantitative approach, the researcher uses post positivist claims for developing knowledge i.e. developing generalizations about the relations between social ‘facts’ that establish basic connections of cause and effect. To achieve this, the approach calls for the continual testing of existing evidence to see whether the specific predictions (hypotheses) they generate are supported (verified) or disapproved (falsified). Testing requires the researcher to isolate the relations s/he is particularly interested in, from other factors that may influence or interfere with them.

In qualitative approach, the researcher makes knowledge claims based on constructionist perspectives. The concern is not with establishing relations of cause and effect but with exploring the ways that people make sense of their social worlds, and how they express these understandings though language, imagery, sound and social rituals. The focus is on the organizing structures of social and cultural life that are seen as being continually reproduced and modified through a myriad activities of everyday life.

In the mixed method approach, the researcher tends to base knowledge claims on practical grounds. Here, the researcher bases the inquiry on the assumption that collecting diverse types of data best provides an understanding of a research problem. Data collection involves gathering both numeric information, as well as interviews. The final database represents both quantitative and qualitative information.

Research design considers four aspects which ultimately inform a choice of approach:
(a) The epistemology theory that informs the research
(b) The philosophical stance behind the methodology
(c) What governs the choice of use and use of methods, and
(d) The techniques to be used to collect data.

These become critical in addressing questions central to the design of research.
Before a researcher decides on which framework to choose, it is useful to consider three frameworks elements that contribute to the framing of the quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. These are philosophical assumptions about what constitutes knowledge claims; what strategies of inquiry will inform the procedures, and what methods of data collection and analysis will be used.

Stating a knowledge claim means that the researcher has certain assumptions about how and what s/he will learn during the inquiry. These assumptions at times are referred to as epistemologies or broad research methodologies which can be categorized into four schools of thought: post positivism, constructivism, advocacy/participatory and pragmatism.

Post positivism is also referred to as the ‘scientific method’. It reflects a philosophy in which causes determine effects or outcomes. An issue studied by post positivist reflects a need to examine causes that influence outcomes. It is therefore viewed as reductionist in that it reduces ideas/issues into small, discrete set of ideas to test for example variables that constitute hypothesis and research questions.
The post positivist begins with a theory, and then makes necessary revisions before additional tests are conducted. Certain key assumptions are made among them that research is a process of making claims and then refining or abandoning some of them for other claims more strongly warranted, and that data, evidence and rational considerations shape knowledge. Also, being objective is an essential aspect of competent inquiry. As such researchers must examine methods and conclusions for bias.

Social constructivism is another process with its own set of assumptions. Its assumptions hold that individuals seek understanding of the world in which they live and work and develop subjective meanings of their experiences. These meanings are varied and multiple. This leads the researcher to look for the complexity of views, rather than narrow meanings into a few categories or ideas. The research questions are broad and general so that the participants can construct the meaning of a situation. The questions are open ended and allows the researcher to listen carefully to what people say or do in their life setting.

Specific methods of data collection is another consideration that goes into a research approach. Methods are considered by their degree of predetermined nature, their use of closed ended versus open ended questioning, and their focus for numeric versus non numeric data analysis.

Knowledge claims, the strategies, and the method all contribute to a research approach which may be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods.

Apart from the approaches, the researcher is also influenced by the research problem, personal experiences, and the audiences for whom the report will be written.

In terms of the research problem, different issues call for different interventions. For example if the problem is to identify factors that influence an outcome, the utility of an intervention or understanding the best predicators of outcomes, then a quantitative approach is best. And if a concept needs to be understood, because little research has been done on it, or the researcher does not know the important variables to examine, or the topic is new or has never been addressed with a sample or existing theories, then the qualitative approach is the best. However if a researcher wants to generalize the findings to a population and develop a detailed view of the meaning of a concept, then a mixed method approach is useful as it will allow collecting both closed-ended quantitative data and open ended qualitative data.

In terms of personal experiences, the researcher’s choice would be influenced by his/her experiences and training. A quantitative research may call for experience in scientific writing, statistics or computer statistical programs. A qualitative approach also calls for experience in open-ended interviews and observations. Mixed methods require familiarity with both quantitative and qualitative methods and understanding of the rationales for combining both.

Audiences to who research findings will be presented do contribute to shaping the decision of the research approach. The experiences of these audiences with quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods shapes the decision on the choice.

In summary, a researcher assesses knowledge claims brought into a study, considers the strategy of inquiry that will be used, and identifies specific methods. Based on these, the researcher then identifies either the quantitative, qualitative or mixed method approach of inquiry.

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